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Sometimes motherhood is...

Sometimes motherhood is...

Sometimes motherhood is...setting that to-do list aside to cuddle your babe, opting for some screen time just so you can relax, microwaving lunch because you are too exhausted to cook, not showering because that requires you to be alone, forgetting you had an appointment because tantrums happened, bombarding your friends/family with your every thought because you haven’t spoke to an adult all day. Motherhood is beautiful and I wouldn’t change a thing! “Busy mamas, messy mamas, imperfect mamas. I see you.” - Presli Keith 

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Haley N

Hey y'all! My name is Haley, and I am the momma behind The Unfiltered Momma Blog. I created my blog in efforts to battle postpartum anxiety. To avoid the excessive worry that accompanies my son's nap times, I utilize this time to express myself through writing. In addition, I use my blog and other social platforms to share all of our gnarly adventures, provide parenting suggestions, and bring joy to other fellow mommas with the use of photos. Follow along to see where our next adventure takes us!
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